Micronesian kelaguen is a ceviche like dish that is made with raw fish, shrimp, bbq chicken, beef and even spam. It is outstanding. Often times it is made with grated coconut or coconut milk as well. The fish, shrimp and or beef is cooked with the acid of the lemon juice. Popular in many of the Pacific Islands this is a much loved appetizer. It is often times served in all varieties at parties, sometimes whole tables are filled with different kelaguen. The spam variety however is usually left in the kitchen to be enjoyed with beer. It is also prepared with onions and hot chilies adding just the perfect balance of heat and flavor to the dish. The bits of fish, shrimp or meat are chopped very finely for this. We made ours with raw shrimp but feel free to explore other proteins. Simply delicious!
Micronesian Kelaguen (Shrimp cooked in lemon juice)
- 1 1 lb. raw peeled and de-veined shrimp or 1 1lb of other protein
- lemon juice
- hot peppers to heat tolerance seeded and finely diced
- salt
- onions diced and greens for garnish
- coconut grated or coconut cream
- pepper to taste
- chop up your selected protein into small pieces and place in a bowl
- Mix it with enough lemon juice to cover the protein, keep mixing it until it looks cooked.
- Add salt and pepper to taste
- Add onion, and hot peppers and mix well.
- Add in the grated coconut or coconut cream just about 1/4 cup (please note that this is usually added only to the fish or shrimp not meat.
- combine well and let stand covered in the refrigerator for a couple hours before serving.
- Serve on a banana leaf or on lettuce for that Island flair.