Meza (A plate of cucumbers, smoked meat, cheese, olives, tomatoes and hard boiled eggs)
Punjena Paprika - Stuffed Peppers
Tufahija-Poached Apples
Our Journey to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Salteñas (Beef and Onion Pastry)
Llajua or LLajwa (A Spicy Bolivian Salsa)
Sopa De Mani (Peanut Soup)
Bolivia Silpancho – Meat, potatoes, rice, egg and salad on a plate
Helado de Canela (Cinnamon Sorbet)
Our Journey to Bolivia
Ema Datshi - Chili n Cheese
Bhutan pickles
Chum - Bhutanese Red Rice
Kewa Phagsha (spicy pork with potatoes)
Bhutan Dessert - Simply Watermelon
Our Journey to Bhutan
Akkra Funfun Bean Fritters
Ago Glain Crab Dish with Peanut sauce
Bananas in Orange Sauce
Our Journey to Benin